Obiter Research, in Champaign, Illinois, has just been issued two important process patents.  One is to prepare the effective addiction drug 18-Methoxycoronaridine (18MC) at practical scale.  With an acute dose, 18MC alleviates craving in addicted individuals, and is effective against methamphetamine, opiates, nicotine, and alcohol, and other substances.  Until recently, 18MC was poorly available for either testing or use due to a lack of a practical way to make much of it.  Obiter’s process opens the doors to general availability.

The second recently issued patent is for a practical and scalable process to manufacture the psychedelic muscimol, originally found in the mushroom Amanita muscaria.  Current supplies originating from the mushroom are highly variable in purity and concentration, and none of the previous syntheses are practical to scale up.  Obiter’s process bypasses the limitations of earlier preparations, and is capable of providing unlimited scale-up, and under GMP conditions.  Muscimol and psilocybin have similar effects, but the former is not scheduled in the United States.  It is expected to be useful to treat PTSD.